How to disassemble the trigger group.
This specifically pertains to
FA trigger groups modified
to semi for civilian use in Europe. USA has different
rules on how these has to be modified to be legal, but the
basic principal of disassembly is the same, as is it for
the other H&K firearms using this trigger system, e.g. HK
91- 93 - 94 - G3 - 33 - MP5 - 41- 43 and various clones/copies.
Remove the trigger group from the grip housing by
rotating the safety selector counterclockwise from "safe"
to the 12 o'clock position.
Pull out the safety selector, and lift the trigger group
out of the grip housing. The trigger group is now ready
for further disassembly.

Push the hammer axis pin
out of the trigger housing, and lift out the hammer and
guide rod with spring from the
top side of the housing.
Push out
axis pin
and the catch
axis pin
and the trigger with sear and spring should come out along
with the elbow spring and spacers. If not, wiggle the
trigger while gently pulling downwards.

To remove the ejector lever, push out the pivot pin as
indicated with the bullet in the above pic, while holding
the lever down to avoid the ejector spring disappearing.
Use of live rounds for this is not necessary.

How to assemble the trigger group.
This specifically pertains to some FA trigger groups modified
to semi for civilian use in Europe. USA has different
rules on how this has to be modified to be legal, but the
basic principal of assembly is the same.

The sear has a spring loaded plunger
that protrudes into the trigger axle hole that makes it
difficult to press the trigger axle through the sear. It
may help to use the handle of a screwdriver or similar to
tap the axle gently into place.

If you assemble your
trigger mechanism
incorrectly it might cause misfires,
or other malfunctions. Beware that the only safety device
in the triggergroup is that the trigger is blocked.
Altering the shape of any of these parts or removal of
material might render the trigger mechanism unusable at
best, or right out dangerous in worst case.
you choose to proceed, you do this on your own risk, and
if you somehow manage to break or otherwise ruin your
trigger mechanism, well that is your problem. If you are not 100% sure
that you can manage to do this, don't do it, or pay
someone competent to do it for you.